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Services for the Homeless


MISSION: To promote the goal of ending homelessness; and provide support for efforts to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused. To promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs, and optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness.


The South Central Illinois Continuum of Care is committed to furthering fair housing by promoting fair and equal housing opportunities for all individuals.


The goals of the SCICoC are: 

  • To develop a more comprehensive and understood method of referral among partners to assure dignified and efficient response to requests for service by the homeless.

  • To further scrutinize the Continuum of Care, gain a better understanding of needs and gaps in service, and soliciting projects to address unmet priorities.

  • To emphasize the longer-term needs of homeless individuals and families, focusing resources on root causes (rather than just presenting issues), and on development toward greater levels of self-sufficiency.

  • To address the need for affordable housing through the development of affordable housing units and through full utilization of current inventory. 



For Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Shelby, Christian, Montgomery, and Moultrie Counties contact:


C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation
1805 South Banker St. P.O. BOX 928
Effingham, IL 62401-0928
Phone 217 342 2193


For Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, and Jasper Counties contact:

Embarras River Basin Agency, Inc.
115 South Kentucky St.
Greenup, IL 62428-0307
Phone:  217-923-3113



For Coles, Clark, Edgar, Moultrie, Shelby, Douglas, and Cumberland Counties contact:

PO Box 732
Charleston, IL 61920

Phone:  888-345-3990



For Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, and Macoupin Counties contact:

Illinois Valley Economic Development Corporation
223 S Macoupin St     PO BOX 88
Gillespie, IL 62033-0088
Phone:  217-839-4431

"The South Central Illinois Continuum of Care has posted its Annual Application, Priority Listing, and List of Projects Accepted, Ranked where required, or Rejected on its website. This posting allows the public to see the full request along with a detailed description of the work being done across 18 counties in south central Illinois to address and end homelessness. The material can be accessed at"


"The South Central Illinois Continuum of Care has posted its Special NOFO Application, Priority Listing, and List of Projects Accepted, Ranked where required, or Rejected on its website. This posting allows the public to see the full request along with a detailed description of the work being done across 18 counties in south central Illinois to address and end homelessness. The material can be accessed at"

Serving the homeless populations in the following counties:

  • Calhoun

  • Christian

  • Clark

  • Clay

  • Coles

  • Crawford

  • Cumberland

  • Douglas

  • Edgar

  • Effingham

  • Fayette

  • Greene

  • Jasper

  • Jersey

  • Macoupin

  • Montgomery

  • Moultrie

  • Shelby

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