C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation
1805 South Banker Street
Effingham IL 62401
The C.E.F.S. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program is designed to help young people overcome obstacles that keep them from completing their education and employment goals.
The Youth Program focuses on assisting out-of-school and in-school youth prepare for employment and postsecondary education opportunities; attain educational and/or skills training credentials; and secure employment with career/promotional opportunities.
To apply, click the button to print your application or call one of our local offices!
General Eligibility Requirements
Resident of one of these Illinois counties: Clark, Clay, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Edgar, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper, Lawrence, Marion, Moultrie, or Richland
US citizen
Compliant with Selective Service Requirements
Program Objectives
While enrolled in the Youth Training and Education Program, each participant will be expected to achieve the following:
Attain a high school diploma, GED, or other credential
Create a resume
Increase basic skills in reading and math
Secure employment or attend post secondary education/training
Maintain monthly contact with Career Planner during enrollment
Maintain contact with the program for 12 months following completion
Services provided
Paid work experience
Tuition assistance for occupational training in an approved program
GED attainment
Job search assistance
Resume development
Leadership skills
Job readiness training
Supportive services such as transportation, child care, tools, uniforms, etc
Eligibility for In-School Youth
Meet general requirements and be 14 - 21 years of age
Attending school
Low-income and any one of the following:
Homeless or runaway
Parent or pregnant
In or aged out of foster care
Subject to the justice system
Low reading and math skills
Need assistance to complete an educational program
English language learner
Eligibility for Out-of-School Youth
Meet general requirements and be 16 - 24 years of age
Not attending any school and any one of the following:
Not attending any school in the last calendar quarter
Homeless or runaway
Parent or pregnant
In or aged out of foster care
Subject to the justice system
If high school graduate, must be low-income and have low reading and math skills
Low-income needing assistance to complete an educational program or secure employment
Illinois workNet Centers and Satellite Offices
Coles County
109 N. 16th St.
Mattoon, IL 61938
(217) 279-0371​
Crawford County
102 West Main St.
Robinson IL 62454
(618) 544-3858​​
Effingham County
2311 Hoffman Drive
Effingham, IL 62401
(217) 347-2102
(217) 240-3078
(217) 240-3079​
Fayette County
517 W Gallatin Street
Vandalia IL 62471
(618) 283-2780
Lawrence County
700 State Street
Lawrenceville IL 62439
(618) 943-4442​​
​Marion County
KC Crisp Technology Center
2005 East McCord Street
Centralia, IL 62801
(618) 545-3252
​Richland County
Olney Central College
305 N West Street Room 208A
Olney, IL 62450
(618) 392-7777
For more information, email us at cefs@cefseoc.org
For other WIOA services, click here: