C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation
1805 South Banker Street
Effingham IL 62401


Illinois workNet Centers and Satellite Offices
KC Crisp Technology Center
2005 East McCord Street
Centralia, IL 62801
(618) 545-3252
2311 Hoffman Drive
Effingham, IL 62401
(217) 347-2102
(217) 240-3078
(217) 240-3079
915 Lake Land Blvd
Mattoon, IL 61938
(217) 279-0371
Olney Central College
305 N West Street Room 208A
Olney, IL 62450
(618) 392-7777
700 State Street
Lawrenceville IL 62439
(618) 943-4442
102 West Main St.
Robinson IL 62454
(618) 544-3858
517 W Gallatin Street
Vandalia IL 62471
(618) 283-2780
For more information, email us at cefs@cefseoc.org
TAARA/RTAA Eligibility Requirements
The Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act (TAARA) program was created to provide benefits and support to workers who become unemployed due to the impact of international trade.
To obtain services and benefits, a group of workers, an employer, a union, a state official, or an American Job Center partner must file a petition with the U.S. Department of Labor. If the petition is certified, each worker in the group may apply separately for the individual services and benefits.
Employment and Case Management Services
Resume writing
Comprehensive assessment
Individual employment plan
Employment statistics
Interview skills
Career counseling
Job search and referral
Job Search Allowances
Expenses incurred seeking employment outside commuting area
Relocation Allowances
If a move is necessary once an offer of work has been made outside of the commuting area, benefits to assist in moving may be available.
Classroom training
On the job training
Customized training
Remedial training
English as a second language
Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA)
Financial support while participating in training
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)
Financial assistance to help with health care premiums
Available Job Search Resources
Illinois workNet
Illinois Job Link
Area newspapers
Career development publications
Professional career advice
Resource library
Labor market information
Resume software
Fax machines
Assistive Technology Equipment (ADA) available at select locations
RTAA BENEFITS offer a wage subsidy to help older workers bridge the salary gap between old and new employment.